
Have you ever wondered who the richest internet billionaires in the world are? Well, you’re in luck!


IncomeDiary has just released its official list of the 100 Richest Internet Billionaires in the world for 2024, and it’s packed with some truly amazing success stories.

These folks have made their fortunes through various online ventures, showing just how powerful the internet can be for creating wealth.

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at the top 10 names on this list. These are the cream of the crop – the ones who’ve hit it big in the digital world.

From online shopping giants to social media wizards, these billionaires have changed the way we use the internet and made a ton of money doing it.

Richest Internet Billionaires in the World

Richest Internet Billionaires in the World


We’ll explore how they got started, what makes their companies special, and just how much money they’ve managed to pile up. It’s not just about the numbers, though.

We’ll also peek into their backgrounds and some of the cool things they’re doing with all that cash.

So, whether you’re dreaming of starting your own internet business or just curious about who’s topping the charts in the digital world, stick around.

You might just learn something surprising about these internet moguls and pick up some inspiration along the way!

Top 10 Richest Internet Billionaires in the World 2024

Let’s dive into the list of the top 10 richest internet billionaires. We’ll look at their net worth, age, and what they’re famous for founding.

1. Jeff Bezos

  • Net Worth: $200 billion
  • Age: 60
  • Founder of: Amazon

Jeff Bezos is the big boss of the internet billionaires club. He started Amazon in his garage, selling books online. Now, Amazon sells just about everything you can think of.

It’s crazy to think that a company that makes $575 billion a year (that’s $18,250 every second!) started as a simple online bookstore.

2. Mark Zuckerberg

  • Net Worth: $185 billion
  • Age: 39
  • Founder of: Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook when he was just a college student. What began as a way for Harvard students to connect has grown into the world’s biggest social media platform.

Zuckerberg is the youngest person in the top 10 and the fourth richest person in the world.

3. Larry Page

  • Net Worth: $142.5 billion
  • Age: 51
  • Founder of: Google

Larry Page co-founded Google, which has become so much more than just a search engine. Google is now part of a bigger company called Alphabet, which Page used to be in charge of.

He’s also the brains behind PageRank, the system that decides which websites show up first when you search for something.

4. Sergey Brin

  • Net Worth: $136.6 billion
  • Age: 50
  • Founder of: Google

Sergey Brin is the other half of the Google founding duo. He teamed up with Larry Page to create the search engine giant.

Now, Brin is focusing on using Google’s power and money to tackle big problems like climate change and finding new sources of clean energy.

5. Zhang Yiming

  • Net Worth: $43.4 billion
  • Age: 41
  • Founder of: ByteDance (TikTok)

Zhang Yiming might not be a household name, but his creation sure is. He’s the founder of ByteDance, the company behind TikTok.

This video-sharing app has taken the world by storm, with over a billion active users. Zhang is known for keeping a low profile despite his massive success.

6. Ma Huateng

  • Net Worth: $37.8 billion
  • Age: 52
  • Founder of: Tencent

Ma Huateng, also known as Pony Ma, is a big deal in the Chinese internet world. He created Tencent, which runs China’s most popular messaging app.

Tencent also has its fingers in many other pies, including gaming, entertainment, and mobile services.

7. Eric Schmidt

  • Net Worth: $32 billion
  • Age: 69
  • Founder of: First CEO of Google

Eric Schmidt wasn’t a founder of Google, but he played a huge role in its success. He was the company’s first CEO, guiding it from a startup to a tech giant.

Schmidt owns about 1% of Alphabet (Google’s parent company) and has made billions from selling Google stock over the years.

8. William Ding

  • Net Worth: $30.6 billion
  • Age: 52
  • Founder of: NetEase

William Ding is another Chinese internet success story. He founded NetEase, which has become one of China’s biggest internet companies.

NetEase does a bit of everything – online gaming, e-commerce, and other internet services. Ding started with very little money but turned NetEase into a multi-billion dollar company.

9. Eduardo Saverin

  • Net Worth: $30 billion
  • Age: 42
  • Founder of: Co-founder of Facebook

Eduardo Saverin was there at the beginning of Facebook, working alongside Mark Zuckerberg. He was the company’s first CFO and business manager.

Though he’s no longer actively involved with Facebook, he still owns a chunk of the company’s shares and invests in other startups.

10. Ma Yun

  • Net Worth: $24.7 billion
  • Age: 59
  • Founder of: Alibaba

Ma Yun, better known as Jack Ma, is the force behind Alibaba, China’s answer to Amazon. He’s become a global icon for entrepreneurship and is known for his unique business philosophy. Ma is currently the richest person in Asia.

The Rise of Internet Billionaires

The internet has created a whole new breed of super-rich people.

Let’s look at how these billionaires made their fortunes:

  • E-commerce: Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Jack Ma (Alibaba) built online marketplaces that changed how we shop.
  • Social Media: Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Zhang Yiming (TikTok) tapped into our need to connect and share.
  • Search Engines: Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google) made finding information online easy and profitable.
  • Messaging: Ma Huateng (Tencent) showed how instant messaging could be a goldmine.
  • Gaming and Services: William Ding (NetEase) combined gaming with other online services for a winning formula.

From Garage to Global: Success Stories

Many of these billionaires started small:

  • Amazon began in Jeff Bezos’s garage.
  • Google was born in a rented garage.
  • Facebook started in a college dorm room.

This shows that with a great idea and hard work, amazing things can happen!

The Impact of Internet Billionaires

These folks haven’t just made money. They’ve changed our world:

  • How we shop (Amazon, Alibaba)
  • How we connect with friends (Facebook)
  • How we find information (Google)
  • How we entertain ourselves (TikTok, NetEase)

Their companies have created millions of jobs and sparked countless other businesses.

Beyond Business: Philanthropy and Innovation

Many of these billionaires are using their wealth to tackle big problems:

  • Jeff Bezos is investing in space exploration and fighting climate change.
  • Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to give away 99% of his Facebook shares.
  • Sergey Brin is working on renewable energy projects.
  • Jack Ma focuses on improving education and supporting entrepreneurs.

The Future of Internet Wealth

The internet keeps evolving, and new opportunities are always popping up. Here are some areas that might create the next wave of internet billionaires:

  • Artificial Intelligence: Making computers smarter and more helpful.
  • Virtual Reality: Creating new digital worlds for work and play.
  • Blockchain: New ways to handle money and data securely.
  • Green Tech: Using the internet to solve environmental problems.

Lessons from the Top

What can we learn from these super-successful internet entrepreneurs?

  1. Start with a big idea: All these billionaires saw a need and filled it in a big way.
  2. Don’t be afraid to start small: Many begin with just a simple website or app.
  3. Keep innovating: They didn’t stop with their first success. They kept growing and changing.
  4. Think globally: The internet lets you reach the whole world. These folks took advantage of that.
  5. Solve real problems: The most successful internet companies make people’s lives easier or better in some way.

The Diversity of Internet Wealth

It’s interesting to note the diversity among these top internet billionaires:

  • Age Range: From 39 (Zuckerberg) to 69 (Schmidt)
  • Geographic Spread: USA, China, Brazil
  • Types of Businesses: Social media, e-commerce, search engines, gaming, and more

This shows that there’s no one “right way” to become an internet billionaire. Success can come from many different angles!

Challenges and Controversies

It’s not all smooth sailing for these internet titans. They face challenges too:

  • Privacy Concerns: Facebook and Google have been criticized for how they handle user data.
  • Monopoly Worries: Some think companies like Amazon have gotten too big and powerful.
  • Work Conditions: There have been complaints about working conditions in Amazon warehouses.
  • Content Moderation: TikTok and Facebook struggle with controlling harmful content on their platforms.

These issues show that with great success comes great responsibility.


  • Q: Who is the richest internet billionaire in 2024?

A: Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, with a net worth of $200 billion.

  • Q: Who is the youngest internet billionaire in the top 10?

A: Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, at 39 years old.

  • Q: Which country has the most internet billionaires in the top 10?

A: The United States, with 5 out of the top 10.

  • Q: What’s the most common source of wealth for these billionaires?

A: E-commerce and social media platforms are the most common sources.

  • Q: Are there any women in the top 10 internet billionaires?

A: No, the top 10 list for 2024 doesn’t include any women.

  • Q: How much is the 10th richest internet billionaire worth?

A: Ma Yun (Jack Ma), the founder of Alibaba, is worth $24.7 billion.

Also Check: Richest App Creators


The world of internet billionaires is a fascinating one.

These 10 individuals have not only amassed incredible wealth but have also shaped the digital landscape we all use every day.

From the way we shop and connect with friends to how we search for information and entertain ourselves, their innovations touch nearly every aspect of our online lives.

What’s truly inspiring about these stories is that many of these billionaires started with humble beginnings.

Garages, dorm rooms, and small loans were the launching pads for world-changing companies.

This shows that with a great idea, hard work, and a bit of luck, incredible things are possible in the Internet age.

But it’s not just about the money. Many of these billionaires are using their wealth and influence to tackle big global problems like climate change, education, and space exploration. They’re showing that success can be about more than just profits.

Of course, their journey hasn’t been without challenges. Issues like privacy concerns, monopoly worries, and content moderation are ongoing battles that these companies face.

These challenges remind us that with great power comes great responsibility.

As we look to the future, it’s exciting to think about what innovations might create the next wave of internet billionaires.

Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, and green technology are just a few areas that could produce the next big success stories.

In the end, the story of these internet billionaires is a story of our times – a tale of how technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship can change the world and create unprecedented wealth.

It’s a reminder of the incredible opportunities the digital age offers and the responsibility that comes with shaping our online world.

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