
Welcome to the world of Blox Fruits, a Roblox game that takes cues from the popular anime One Piece!


If you’re new to the game, you might feel a bit lost among all the different fruits you can choose from.

Don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this guide, we’ll break down which fruits are the most powerful and how to make the most of them.

We’ll look at the different types of fruits, rank them, and even talk about how to make them stronger.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to up your game, this Blox Fruits tier list covers you.

Blox Fruits Tier List: Best Fruits

Blox Fruits Tier List: Best Fruits


Let’s dive in and find out which fruits will give you the edge in your adventures!

Blox Fruits Tier List: General Ranking

In Blox Fruits, there are three main types of fruits: elemental, beast, and natural. Each type has its special features. To make things easy, we’ve put all the fruits into one big list, ranking them from best to not-so-great.

Here’s how they stack up:

S Tier (The Best of the Best)

  • Kitsune (Beast)
  • Leopard (Beast)
  • Dragon (Beast)
  • Spirit (Natural)
  • Dough (Elemental)
  • Venom (Natural)
  • Mammoth (Beast)

A Tier (Really Good)

  • Rumble (Elemental)
  • Shadow (Natural)
  • Spider (Natural)
  • T-Rex (Beast)
  • Dark (Elemental)
  • Pain (Natural)

B Tier (Pretty Good)

  • Phoenix (Beast)
  • Barrier (Natural)
  • Buddha (Beast)
  • Blizzard (Elemental)
  • Portal (Natural)
  • Flame (Elemental)
  • Light (Elemental)
  • Rubber (Natural)
  • Love (Natural)

C Tier (Okay)

  • Gravity (Natural)
  • Diamond (Natural)
  • Ice (Elemental)
  • Magma (Elemental)
  • Sand (Elemental)
  • Ghost (Natural)
  • Quake (Natural)
  • Sound (Natural)

D Tier (Not Great)

  • Control (Natural)
  • Falcon (Beast)

E Tier (Pretty Bad)

  • Spring (Natural)
  • Spin (Natural)
  • Smoke (Elemental)

F Tier (The Worst)

  • Bomb (Natural)
  • Chop (Natural)
  • Spike (Natural)
  • Rocket (Natural)

This list shows you how good each fruit is overall. The S tier fruits are the best, while the F tier ones are the weakest. Keep in mind that even if a fruit is low on the list, you might still have fun using it!

The Best Fruits of the Natural Type

Natural fruits in Blox Fruits are a mixed bag. They don’t follow one rule, so their powers can be very different from each other. Some might even remind you of elemental or beast fruits. Let’s see how they rank:

S Tier

  • Spirit
  • Venom

A Tier

  • Shadow
  • Spider
  • Pain

B Tier

  • Barrier
  • Portal
  • Rubber
  • Love

C Tier

  • Gravity
  • Diamond
  • Ghost
  • Quake
  • Sound

D Tier

  • Control

E Tier

  • Spring
  • Spin

F Tier

  • Bomb
  • Rocket
  • Chop
  • Spike

The Spirit fruit is the star of the show here. It’s super strong and can do a lot of damage. Venom is also really good, especially if you like to attack from far away.

In the A tier, Shadow and Spider are great for sneaking around and trapping enemies. Pain is strong too, but it’s a bit harder to use well.

The B tier fruits like Barrier and Portal are still pretty good. They might not be the strongest, but they can be really fun to use if you’re creative.

As we go down the list, the fruits get less powerful. But remember, even the lower-ranked fruits can be fun to play with. It’s all about how you use them!

The Best Beast Type Fruits

Beast fruits are special because they let you turn into animals. This can change how you play the game. The animal you become matches the name of the fruit. Each animal form gives you different powers. Here’s how they rank:

S Tier

  • Kitsune
  • Mammoth
  • Leopard
  • Dragon

A Tier

  • T-Rex

B Tier

  • Phoenix
  • Buddha

D Tier

  • Falcon

The S tier beasts are super strong. Kitsune turns you into a magical fox with awesome powers. Mammoth makes you big and tough. Leopard is fast and strong. Dragon lets you fly and breathe fire!

In A tier, we have T-Rex. It’s not quite as amazing as the S tier beasts, but it’s still really good. You become a big, scary dinosaur!

Phoenix and Buddha in B tier are pretty cool too. Phoenix lets you come back to life, while Buddha makes you big and hard to hurt.

Falcon is at the bottom, but it’s not all bad. You can fly, which can be useful sometimes.

Beast fruits are great if you want to feel like you’re changing into a powerful animal. They can be a lot of fun to use!

Tier List Blox Fruits: The Best Elemental Fruits

Elemental fruits give you the power of different elements. They’re cool because if an enemy who’s much weaker than you attacks you normally, their attacks won’t hurt you at all!

Here’s how they rank:

S Tier

  • Dough

A Tier

  • Rumble
  • Dark

B Tier

  • Blizzard
  • Flame
  • Light

C Tier

  • Ice
  • Magma
  • Sand

E Tier

  • Smoke

Dough is the king of elemental fruits. It might sound weird, but it’s super strong, especially in fights against other players.

Rumble and Dark in A tier are really good too. Rumble gives you lightning powers, while Dark lets you control shadows.

The B tier fruits (Blizzard, Flame, and Light) are all pretty balanced. They’re good for both attacking and defending.

In the C tier, Ice, Magma, and Sand are okay. They’re not the strongest, but they can be fun to use.

Smoke is at the bottom, but don’t feel bad if it’s the only one you have. Every fruit can be useful if you know how to use it well!

What is the Awakening of a Blox Fruits Roblox?

Awakening is a way to make your fruit even stronger. It’s like leveling up your fruit to unlock its full power. When you awaken a fruit, you get to use new, stronger abilities. Here’s what you need to know about awakening:

  • Not all fruits can be awakened (at least not yet)
  • To awaken a fruit, you usually need to collect special items
  • You might need to talk to a special NPC (Non-Player Character) to awaken your fruit
  • Awakening makes your fruit much more powerful
  • The game creators are always adding new awakenings, so keep an eye out!

Awakening your fruit can take some work, but it’s usually worth it. If you really like using a certain fruit, try to awaken it to make it even better!

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And there you have it – your guide to the best fruits in Blox Fruits! Remember, the “best” fruit is often the one you enjoy using the most.

Here are some key points to take away:

  • S tier fruits like Kitsune, Dragon, and Dough are the strongest overall
  • Natural fruits are varied, with Spirit and Venom at the top
  • Beast fruits let you transform into animals, with Kitsune and Mammoth being the best
  • Elemental fruits give you control over elements, with Dough being surprisingly powerful
  • Awakening your fruit can make it much stronger

Whether you’re battling other players or just exploring the world, knowing which fruits are strongest can help you choose the best one for your style.

But don’t forget – practice and skill are just as important as having a strong fruit. So get out there, try different fruits, and most importantly, have fun playing Blox Fruits!

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