
The notification pops up out of nowhere – “A new iOS update is available!” You feel a pit in your stomach. You’ve been avoiding updating your iPhone in hopes that a jailbreak for your current iOS version drops soon.


An update could potentially patch the vulnerabilities needed for a jailbreak or even update your device past the iOS version with the best jailbreak prospects. You need a way to get rid of this update notification without compromising your jailbreak plans.

Enter KillMyOTA – the ingenious app that blocks iOS updates and lets you stay on a lower firmware to maintain jailbreak eligibility. With KillMyOTA, you can kiss those annoying update reminders goodbye!





In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about downloading and installing the KillMyOTA IPA file on your jailbroken iPhone. You’ll learn how to use Cydia Impactor to load the IPA onto your device and properly set up KillMyOTA to block those pesky updates.

Thanks to the power of the MacDirtyCow exploit, KillMyOTA will remain persistent even after rebooting your iPhone. If you’re looking to postpone iOS updates while remaining hopeful for an upcoming jailbreak, this guide is for you.

Follow along as we dive into the world of KillMyOTA and how to leverage it to stay on the optimum iOS version!

The Prerequisites for Downloading KillMyOTA IPA

Before you can install the KillMyOTA IPA on your iPhone, there are a few requirements you need to fulfill first. Don’t worry, we’ll cover them in detail here so you are fully prepared.

  • Jailbroken iPhone on iOS 15.0-16.1.2

First things first – KillMyOTA will only work on iPhones that are already jailbroken and running a compatible iOS version. Here are the requirements:

  • iPhone model – iPhone 6s and later
  • iOS version – iOS 15.0 to 16.1.2

Older iPhones or iOS versions are not supported.

You’ll need to jailbreak your compatible iPhone first before KillMyOTA can be installed. The most recommended jailbreak tools currently are:

  • checkra1n – works on iOS 15.0 to 15.1.1
  • taurine – for iOS 14.0 to 14.3
  • odyssey – iOS 13.0 to 14.3

Follow the instructions for the jailbreak tool that supports your iOS version to jailbreak your iPhone before proceeding.

  • Have MacDirtyCow Exploit Installed

KillMyOTA relies on the privileges granted by the MacDirtyCow exploit to function. So you’ll need the latest MacDirtyCow files installed on your jailbroken iPhone beforehand.

Here are the steps to get MacDirtyCow ready:

  1. Add the MacDirtyCow exploit repo:
  2. Open Cydia and install the macdirtycow package.
  3. Respring your iPhone after installing it.

That’s it! Your device is now ready to utilize MacDirtyCow and install apps like KillMyOTA.

You Must Fulfill the Requirements

To recap, here are the prerequisites before you can install KillMyOTA:

  • iPhone is jailbroken on iOS 15.0 to 16.1.2
  • The latest MacDirtyCow exploit was installed from the repo

Ensure your iPhone meets the requirements for a smooth KillMyOTA installation. With the prerequisites knocked out, you’re ready for the next step – downloading the KillMyOTA IPA!

How to Download the KillMyOTA IPA File?

Now that your iPhone is jailbroken and ready for the MacDirtyCow exploit, it’s time to get the KillMyOTA IPA file to install on your device. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about downloading the right IPA file.

  • What is an IPA File?

IPA stands for iOS App Store Package. It is the file format used to distribute and install apps on iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad.

The IPA file contains the app executable along with metadata like app icons, settings, and digital signatures needed to install the app on an iOS device.

  • Download the Latest KillMyOTA IPA Github

Here is where you can download the legitimate IPA file for KillMyOTA:

Latest KillMyOTA IPA Download

The download will be a file named KillMyOTA.ipa. Make sure it is version 1.0 for optimum compatibility.

Do not download the IPA from any other source as it may be modified or contain malware. Only trust downloads from the official GitHub release page linked above.

  • Verify the Integrity of the IPA

Once downloaded, you can verify the integrity of the KillMyOTA IPA file by checking it against the SHA256 hash provided on the release page.

This allows you to confirm the IPA has not been tampered with or corrupted during download.

Comparing the hash ensures you have an authentic copy of the IPA before installing it.

  • Next Steps After Downloading

After downloading the authentic KillMyOTA.ipa file, you are ready to move on to:

  • Installing the IPA file on your jailbroken iPhone using Cydia Impactor
  • Launching KillMyOTA and blocking those iOS updates!

Stick with us as we detail the next steps to get KillMyOTA running on your jailbroken device.

How to Install the KillMyOTA IPA on Your Jailbroken iPhone?

You’ve downloaded the authentic KillMyOTA IPA file. Now it’s time to install it on your jailbroken iPhone running iOS 15.0 to 16.1.2.

The recommended way to install IPA files is using Cydia Impactor. This guide will walk through the entire process.

  • What is Cydia Impactor?

Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for installing IPA files on iOS devices. It utilizes the device’s UDID and Apple ID credentials to sign and install apps.


The key benefits of Cydia Impactor:

  • Streamlined IPA installation process
  • No need for an Apple developer account
  • Signs the IPA so it will run on your device
  • Step 1 – Install Cydia Impactor

First, you need to download and install Cydia Impactor on your computer:

  1. Download the latest Cydia Impactor release for Windows or Mac.
  2. Install and launch the Impactor tool.
  3. Plug your iPhone into your computer via USB.

Cydia Impactor is now ready to install IPAs onto your connected iPhone.

  • Step 2 – Install the KillMyOTA IPA

Now for the actual IPA installation process:

  1. In Impactor, drag the KillMyOTA.ipa file onto the Impactor window.
  2. Enter your Apple ID email and password when prompted. This signs the IPA.
  3. Wait for Cydia Impactor to finish installing the IPA on your iPhone.
  4. You may need to trust the Impactor certificate in your iPhone’s Settings app.

That’s it! KillMyOTA is now installed on your jailbroken iPhone.

  • Troubleshooting Cydia Impactor

Here are some common issues and fixes when using Cydia Impactor:

  • “Apple ID disabled” – Your Apple account has two-factor authentication enabled. You will need to generate an application-specific password on Apple’s site to use instead of your normal account password.
  • “Provisioning profile expired” – Try revoking certificates in your Apple account’s settings and then reinstalling the IPA.
  • Other issues – Restarting your phone and computer often resolves problems.

And there you have it – KillMyOTA installed and ready to disable those iOS updates! Next, we’ll cover how to actually use KillMyOTA to block updates on your jailbroken iPhone.

Leveraging KillMyOTA to Block iOS Updates

The exciting part is here – it’s time to actually use KillMyOTA to block those pesky iOS updates! After installing the IPA on your jailbroken iPhone, just follow these steps.

  • Launch the KillMyOTA App

The KillMyOTA app icon will now be on your iPhone’s home screen. Simply tap it to launch the app.

When you open KillMyOTA, it will display a message that it is “Working…”

  • How KillMyOTA Blocks Updates?

Behind the scenes, KillMyOTA does the following to block iOS updates:

  • Disables the OTA update daemon so your device cannot check for or download updates in the background.
  • Prevents the update status from being displayed in the Settings app.
  • Stops provisioning of updated configuration files.
  • Kills any currently downloading update so it cannot be installed.

All of this happens automatically when you launch KillMyOTA!

  • Confirm iOS Updates Are Blocked

To confirm KillMyOTA has done its job, check the following:

  • No iOS update badge on the Settings app icon.
  • No “Software Update” section is visible in the Settings app.
  • Check for the update option in Settings does nothing.
  • No update prompts or notifications on your device.

If you see any indications of an available update, try re-running KillMyOTA. Otherwise, troubleshoot any issues blocking the effects.

  • Enjoy Your Update-Free iPhone!

With KillMyOTA actively blocking updates, you are now free to stay on your current iOS version without constant nagging or worrying about automatic overnight updates!

KillMyOTA will continue running persistently to prevent any new vulnerabilities used by future jailbreaks from being patched by Apple. Just don’t forget to re-enable updates once a jailbreak for your iOS version drops!


KillMyOTA Persists Beyond Reboots Thanks to MacDirtyCow

One extremely useful feature of KillMyOTA is that it remains persistent even after rebooting or powering off your iPhone. This persistence is powered by the privileges granted by the MacDirtyCow exploit.

  • The Magic of MacDirtyCow

As covered earlier, the MacDirtyCow exploit provides unsandboxed access to apps it loads like KillMyOTA.

This means KillMyOTA is not constrained by the normal app sandbox that would wipe its data on each reboot.

With MacDirtyCow, KillMyOTA maintains full access to the system and continues blocking updates in the background even as you restart your iPhone.

  • No Need to Reinstall After Reboots

Typically when sideloading an IPA with Cydia Impactor, you would need to reconnect your iPhone and reinstall the IPA after each reboot to launch the app again.

This is not the case with KillMyOTA thanks to MacDirtyCow!

Once KillMyOTA is installed, it will automatically run each time your iPhone boots up to disable any update daemons that were restarted.

You can reboot your iPhone as many times as you want and KillMyOTA will persist.

  • Always Up and Running

To summarize, here are the key points on KillMyOTA’s persistence:

  • MacDirtyCow unsandboxes the app so it is not wiped after reboots.
  • KillMyOTA continues blocking updates in the background after each iPhone restart.
  • No need to reinstall the IPA each time – just launch the app.
  • Amazing convenience and reliability benefit over previous IPA sideloads.

KillMyOTA truly is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to blocking iOS updates. Set it and forget it!

How to Uninstall KillMyOTA When You’re Ready for iOS Updates Again?

KillMyOTA is incredible for blocking iOS updates while you wait for the latest jailbreak. But what happens when you do want to update and get access to new iOS features? Not to worry – you can easily uninstall KillMyOTA when you are ready.

  • Why Uninstall KillMyOTA?

Here are some common reasons you may want to remove KillMyOTA and re-enable iOS updates:

  • A new jailbreak has been released for the latest iOS version so you want to update and jailbreak.
  • You need access to new stock iOS features and apps on a newer version.
  • You are passing your iPhone to someone else who doesn’t require blocked updates.
  • You want to completely remove all jailbreak modifications from your device.
  • Uninstalling KillMyOTA

The process for uninstalling KillMyOTA is simple:

  1. Go to your iPhone’s home screen and locate the KillMyOTA app icon.
  2. Long press the icon until the icons begin to wiggle.
  3. Tap the X icon on the KillMyOTA app to uninstall it.
  4. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Just like any normal app, KillMyOTA is now removed from your jailbroken iPhone.

  • Updates Re-enabled After Uninstall

Once KillMyOTA is uninstalled, the following happens:

  • The OTA update daemon starts running again allowing checks/downloads.
  • The Software Updates section re-appears in the Settings app.
  • Update notifications and prompts resume as normal.

Your iPhone is back to its normal, updatable state. Be careful – don’t accidentally update and lose your jailbreak before you intend to!


Hopefully, this guide provides all the details you need to successfully install, use, and ultimately uninstall KillMyOTA when ready. Block those updates and maintain your jailbreak!

Top 10 KillMyOTA Alternatives for iPhone

  1. tvOS Profile – Install a tvOS profile to trick the device into thinking it’s a TV. Prevents update checks.
  2. iMazing – Manually manage device backups and updates with this desktop app. Selectively block updates.
  3. iptables – Use this iptables command to block iOS OTA update servers on a jailbroken device.
  4. Fake Update – Modify iOS files to trick it into thinking it’s already updated to the latest version. Blocks further update.
  5. OTADisabler – Similar to KillMyOTA, this Cydia tweak disables the OTA update daemon on jailbroken devices.
  6. iOS App Signer – Sideload unsigned IPAs like KillMyOTA using this macOS app instead of Cydia Impactor.
  7. Silo – Sandboxed app manager for jailbroken devices to enforce permissions like blocking updates.
  8. Applist – Modify plist files to disable access to iOS update servers and configuration.
  9. Swiggity – Advanced iptables firewall and tweak injector for jailbroken iPhones. Block updates.
  10. watchOS Profile – Like the tvOS profile method but uses a watchOS profile instead. Also blocks updates.

FAQs About KillMyOTA

Throughout this guide, we’ve covered a ton of details on how to download, install, use, and uninstall KillMyOTA for blocking iOS updates.

You probably still have some lingering questions. That’s why we’ve compiled this handy FAQ to address the most common questions people have about KillMyOTA!

  • Is KillMyOTA Legal?

KillMyOTA simply automates the disabling of the OTA update process, so it is not doing anything illegal. However, you use it at your own risk as it does modify system functionality.

  • Does KillMyOTA Work on iPadOS?

Yes, KillMyOTA works the same way on iPads running iPadOS 15.0 to 16.1.2 as it does on iPhones running iOS 15-16.

  • Can I Install it on an un-jailbroken iPhone?

No, KillMyOTA requires a jailbroken device to leverage the MacDirtyCow sandbox escape. It will not function on an un-jailbroken iPhone.

  • What If KillMyOTA Stops Working?

Try rebooting your device and re-running KillMyOTA. Also, make sure you have the latest MacDirtyCow files installed via the repo.

  • Can I Use a Free Dev Apple ID?

Yes, you can use a free development Apple ID when signing IPAs with Cydia Impactor. It does not need to be a paid account.

  • Will KillMyOTA Drain My Battery?

No, KillMyOTA does not consume any significant battery once initially run. The update blocking persists quietly in the background.

  • Is There an iOS 16 Jailbreak Yet?

As of October 2023, there is no public iOS 16 jailbreak yet.

Also Check:

Final Thoughts on Using KillMyOTA to Disable iOS Updates

In this comprehensive guide, we covered everything you need to know about using KillMyOTA to block iOS updates on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad.


Let’s recap the key benefits of installing this ingenious IPA:

  • Stops those annoying update reminders and notifications.
  • Allows staying on lower firmware for future jailbreak eligibility.
  • Persists beyond reboots thanks to MacDirtyCow unsandboxing.
  • Easy to install with Cydia Impactor.
  • Simple to uninstall when ready to update again.

KillMyOTA is the ultimate tool for any jailbreaker who wants to postpone iOS updates as long as possible. No more worrying about accidentally updating overnight or trying to ignore constant update badges.

We highly recommend using KillMyOTA if you are holding out for an upcoming iOS 16 jailbreak. Just be sure to disable it once a jailbreak for your target version is actually released.

The jailbreaking community is amazing for coming together to create helpful tools like KillMyOTA. Never stop pushing the boundaries of what iOS can do!


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