
Hey there! Did you know that you might be able to get a free tablet from the government in 2024? Yep, you heard that right – a completely free tablet, without paying a single penny!


In today’s digital world, having access to technology is super important. Tablets can help you:

  • Go to school online
  • Learn new skills
  • Apply for jobs
  • Connect with family and friends
  • Access government services And a whole lot more!

The only problem is, tablets can be really expensive. A lot of people, especially those with lower incomes, can’t afford to buy a tablet on their own.

That’s where government assistance programs come in! These programs help people get the technology they need to succeed in life.


Recently, we shared how to claim your free 5G government phones so, we thought, you must know about getting free tablets from government as well.

How to Get Free Government Tablets?

How to Get Free Government Tablets


So, if you’re wondering how you can get your hands on a free government tablet in 2024, you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to give you all the details you need to know.

Let’s dive in!


About Government Assistance Programs

Before we talk about how to get a free tablet, let’s talk about what these government assistance programs are all about.

The government wants to make sure that everyone has a fair shot at living a good life – not just rich people.

They know that technology, like tablets and computers, can make a huge difference in helping people:

  • Get an education
  • Find a job
  • Access Healthcare
  • And a lot more

So, the government teams up with different companies and organizations to provide free or low-cost tablets to people who need them.


This helps “bridge the digital divide” and makes sure everyone has access to the technology they need to succeed.

These programs have different names, like:

  • Lifeline
  • Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
  • Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB)

But they all have the same goal: to help low-income folks get connected to the internet and get the tech tools they need.

Why Do Governments Give Out Free Tablets?

You might be wondering, why would the government bother giving out free tablets. Isn’t that expensive?


Well, there are a bunch of really good reasons! Here are a few:

  1. Digital Inclusion: The government wants to make sure everyone can participate in the digital world, not just people who can afford fancy tech.
  2. Education: Tablets can be a huge help for students, especially those learning online. They make it easier to access classes, do research, and complete assignments.
  3. Skill Development: Want to learn to code? Or maybe brush up on your language skills? Having a tablet makes it much easier to access free online learning resources to build your skills.
  4. Finding Jobs: These days, most job applications are online. A tablet gives people a way to search and apply for jobs, making the process a lot easier.
  5. Connecting with Government Services: A lot of important government services, like signing up for healthcare or accessing benefits, can be done online now. A tablet ensures people can access these services whenever they need to.
  6. Supporting the Economy: When more people have access to technology, they’re better able to participate in the economy – whether that’s by starting a business, shopping online, or accessing online banking. This is good for everyone!

So as you can see, providing free tablets to those who need them most isn’t just a nice thing to do – it has a lot of important benefits for individuals and society as a whole. Pretty cool, right?

What Kinds of Free Government Tablets Can You Get?

Okay, so now you know why the government gives out free tablets. But what kind of tablets are we talking about here?

Well, it depends on the specific program and provider, but in general, you can expect to get a fairly basic tablet that will get the job done for most people’s needs. Think things like:

  • Browsing the web
  • Checking email
  • Watching videos
  • Using apps
  • Basic word processing

You’re probably not going to get a top-of-the-line iPad or anything, but you’ll get a solid device that does what you need it to.

Some common tablet models that are given out through these programs include:

Tablet ModelScreen SizeStorageFeatures
Amazon Fire 77 inches16 GBAlexa voice assistant
Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 inches32 GBLong battery life
Lenovo Tab M88 inches32 GBMetal back cover
Onn 8″ Tablet8 inches16 GBLightweight

Again, the exact model you get will depend on what’s available through your specific program. But these are some of the most common ones out there.

The important thing is, that these tablets are more than capable of handling the basics and helping you get connected. And the best part? They’re completely free for those who qualify!


Best Government Programs That Offer Free Tablets

Alright, so you’re sold on the idea of getting a free government tablet. Fantastic! Now let’s talk about some of the best programs out there that can hook you up.

  1. Lifeline: This is a big one. Lifeline is a government program that helps low-income folks get discounted or even free phones and tablets. A lot of different companies partner with Lifeline to provide these devices.
  2. Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP): This program was launched in 2021 and it’s specifically focused on helping people get tablets and laptops. If you qualify, you can get a tablet free!
  3. T-Mobile Project 10Million: T-Mobile isn’t just a phone carrier – they also have a program dedicated to providing free tablets and internet access to students who need it. Pretty awesome!
  4. PCs for People: This is a non-profit that takes donated computers and tablets, fixes them up, and gives them out to low-income families. They have locations all around the US.
  5. EveryoneOn: This organization helps connect low-income families with free or low-cost internet and devices, including tablets. They work with a bunch of different partners to make it happen.
  6. Computers with Causes: Here’s another non-profit that provides free tablets to those in need. They work with schools, individuals, and organizations to get technology into the hands of those who need it most.
  7. The On It Foundation: If you’re in Florida, this is a great resource. They provide free computers and tablets to students and families, with a focus on giving kids access to essential technology.

These are just a few of the many programs out there dedicated to getting free tablets to those who need them. With a bit of research, you can find the one that’s right for you!

Who is Eligible for Free Government Tablets?

Now, you might be thinking “This all sounds great, but how do I know if I qualify for a free government tablet?”

It’s a good question! While the specifics can vary a bit from program to program, in general, these are the main factors that determine eligibility:

  1. Income: Most of these programs are designed for low-income individuals and families. Typically, your household income needs to be at or below a certain percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
  2. Participation in Government Assistance Programs: If you or someone in your household participates in programs like Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), SSI, or public housing assistance, you might automatically qualify for a free tablet.
  3. Students: Some programs, like T-Mobile’s Project 10 million, are specifically for students from low-income households. If you’ve got a student in the house, be sure to look for these opportunities!
  4. Seniors: Certain programs give special consideration to seniors who are on a fixed income and may have trouble affording a tablet on their own.
  5. Location: Some programs are only available in certain states or regions. Be sure to check what’s available where you live.

To get a better idea of whether you qualify, you can usually check the website of the specific program you’re interested in. They’ll have more detailed info on their eligibility requirements.

If you think you might be eligible, don’t hesitate to apply! The worst they can say is no, and you might just end up with a free tablet that can open up a world of opportunities.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply?

Okay, so you’ve found a program that you think you qualify for and you’re ready to apply. Woohoo! But before you start filling out that application, make sure you have all the necessary documents on hand.

Typically, you’ll need to provide:

  1. Proof of Income: This could be pay stubs, a tax return, or an official letter stating your income (like a benefits letter).
  2. Proof of Participation in Government Assistance Programs: If you qualify through a program like Medicaid or SNAP, you’ll need to provide proof of your participation, like an approval letter or benefits card.
  3. Proof of Residence: You’ll need to show that you live where you say you do. A utility bill, lease agreement, or driver’s license with your current address will usually do the trick.
  4. Identification: You’ll need a valid, government-issued ID, like a driver’s license, state ID card, or passport.
  5. Social Security Number: Most applications will ask for your SSN. If you don’t have one, contact the program to see what other options you might have.
  6. Student Information: If you’re applying through a student-specific program, you’ll likely need to provide proof of your or your child’s enrollment in school.

It’s a good idea to gather all these documents before you start the application process. That way, you’ll have everything ready to go and can fill out the application quickly and easily.

And if you’re unsure about something or have questions, don’t be afraid to reach out to the program directly. They’re there to help guide you through the process!

How to Apply for a Free Government Tablet?

Alright, you’re eligible and you’ve got all your documents in order. Let’s get that application started! Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Find the Right Program for You: We covered some of the big ones earlier, but do your research to find the program that best fits your situation and location.
  2. Visit the Program’s Website: Once you’ve chosen a program, head to their website. Look for an “Apply Now” or “Get Started” button.
  3. Fill Out the Online Application: Most programs will have an online application right on their website. This is where you’ll enter all your personal information and eligibility details.
  4. Provide Proof of Eligibility: Remember all those documents we talked about? This is where you’ll need to provide them. Many applications will let you upload digital copies right then and there.
  5. Submit Your Application: Once you’ve filled out all the fields and provided all the necessary documents, it’s time to hit that submit button! Double-check everything to make sure it’s all correct before you do.
  6. Wait for Approval: After you submit, the program will review your application to make sure you qualify. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
  7. Get Your Tablet!: If you’re approved, congrats! The program will let you know the next steps for getting your free tablet. Some might mail it directly to you, while others might require you to pick it up at a specific location.

And that’s it! It might seem like a lot of steps, but it’s a pretty straightforward process. Just take it one step at a time and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.


One quick note: If a program asks you to pay anything upfront, be cautious. Legitimate government tablet programs will not ask for payment. If you’re unsure, contact the program directly to confirm before providing any payment information.

Getting a Free Tablet with EBT

If you have an EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card, also known as a food stamps card, you might be able to use that to qualify for a free government tablet too!

Many tablet programs consider EBT cardholders to be automatically eligible since having an EBT card is a clear indicator that you’re in a lower income bracket.

To apply with your EBT card, the process is pretty much the same as we outlined above:

  1. Find a Program That Accepts EBT: Not all programs do, so specifically look for ones that mention EBT in their eligibility criteria.
  2. Fill Out the Application: When you get to the part about eligibility, make sure to indicate that you have an EBT card.
  3. Provide Proof of Your EBT Status: This could be a copy of your EBT card or an official letter proving your participation in the EBT program.
  4. Submit and Wait for Approval: After you submit your application, the program will verify your EBT status. If everything checks out, you should be approved!

Using your EBT card can be a great way to streamline the application process and get your free tablet even faster. So if you’ve got one, definitely take advantage of it!

Setting Up Your New Free Government Tablet

The day has finally arrived – your free government tablet is here! But before you start exploring all the amazing things you can do with it, there are a few setup steps you’ll want to go through.

  1. Charge It Up: The first thing you’ll want to do is give your tablet a full charge. Find the charging cable (it should come with the tablet) and plug it in. Let it charge until the battery is at 100%.
  2. Turn It On: Once it’s charged, press and hold the power button to turn on your tablet. It should be located on the top or side edge of the device.
  3. Connect to Wi-Fi: To get the most out of your tablet, you’ll need to connect it to the internet. Go into your tablet’s settings, find the Wi-Fi section, and choose your home network. Enter the password if prompted.
  4. Set Up Your Account: Most tablets will require you to set up an account, like a Google account on an Android tablet or an Apple ID on an iPad. Follow the on-screen instructions to get this set up.
  5. Update the Software: Before you start using your tablet, it’s a good idea to check for any software updates. Look in your settings for a “Software Update” or “System Update” section and follow the prompts.
  6. Customize Your Settings: Take some time to go through your tablet’s various settings and customize them to your liking. This could include things like screen brightness, font size, and notification preferences.
  7. Download Some Apps: Your tablet will come with some basic apps, but to make it your own, visit the app store (Google Play Store on Android or App Store on iPad) and download some that interest you. Many great apps are free!
  8. Get a Case: To protect your new device, consider getting a case or cover. Many programs will include a basic case with the tablet, but if not, you can find affordable options online or at your local dollar store.

And there you have it! Your tablet is now set up and ready to use. Don’t be afraid to explore and experiment – that’s the best way to learn all the incredible things your new device can do. And remember, if you get stuck, there are lots of free resources and tutorials available online to help you out.

Other Ways to Get Free or Low-Cost Tablets

While government assistance programs are a great way to get a free tablet, they’re not the only option out there. Here are a few other avenues to explore:

  1. Local Libraries: Many public libraries have tablets that you can borrow, just like books. They might not be the newest models, but they’re a great option if you only need a tablet for a short time or want to try one out before committing.
  2. Schools: If you’re a student or have a child in school, check with the school district to see if they have any tablet programs. Many schools provide tablets for students to use for educational purposes.
  3. Non-Profit Organizations: There are many non-profits out there dedicated to bridging the digital divide by providing free or low-cost technology to those in need. A quick Google search for “free tablet nonprofits” plus your location should turn up some options.
  4. Refurbished Devices: If you’re okay with a gently used tablet, you can often find great deals on refurbished devices. These are tablets that have been previously owned but have been tested and restored to full working condition. Check sites like Amazon, eBay, and Back Market.
  5. Trade-In Programs: Got an old device lying around? Many electronics retailers, like Best Buy and Apple, offer trade-in programs where you can get credit towards a new device by trading in your old one. It might not get you a tablet for free, but it can significantly lower the cost.

While these options might not be as straightforward as applying for a government program, they’re worth exploring. With a bit of resourcefulness and some smart shopping, you might be surprised at the deals you can find on tablets!

FAQs About Free Government Tablets

We’ve covered a lot of ground here, but you might still have some lingering questions. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about free government tablets:

  • Q: Are free government tablets free?

A: Yes! If you qualify for a government assistance program, you can get a tablet at no cost to you. You won’t have to pay anything upfront or make any monthly payments.

  • Q: What’s the catch with free government tablets?

A: There isn’t one! These programs are designed to help low-income individuals and families access the technology they need to thrive in the digital age. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements and use the tablet for its intended purposes, you won’t have to worry about any hidden fees or catches.

  • Q: Can I choose which tablet I get?

A: In most cases, no. The tablet you receive will be determined by the program you apply through and what they have available. However, all tablets provided through these programs will be able to handle basic tasks like internet browsing, email, and document creation.

  • Q: Do free government tablets come with internet access?

A: It depends on the program. Some, like the Affordable Connectivity Program, provide both a tablet and internet service. Others just provide the tablet, and it’s up to you to secure internet access. Be sure to check the specifics of the program you’re applying to.

  • Q: How long does it take to get a free government tablet?

A: The timeline can vary quite a bit depending on the program and the volume of applications they’re processing. It could be anywhere from a few days to a few months. Most programs will provide an estimate of their current processing time on their website or when you submit your application.

  • Q: What can I use my free government tablet for?

A: Pretty much anything you’d use a regular tablet for! You can use it for school work, job searches, staying connected with friends and family, accessing telehealth services, and so much more. The possibilities are endless!

  • Q: What if my free government tablet breaks or stops working?

A: If your tablet malfunctions due to a manufacturer defect, it should be covered under the device’s warranty. Contact the program you received the tablet from for instructions on how to get it repaired or replaced. However, if the damage is due to misuse or an accident, you’ll likely be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.

Remember, if you have any questions that aren’t answered here, don’t hesitate to reach out to the program directly. They’ll be happy to provide you with all the information you need!


Whew, that was a lot of information! But I hope this guide has shown you just how accessible free government tablets are and has given you the confidence to apply for one yourself.


Here’s a quick recap of the key points:

  • Government assistance programs provide free tablets to low-income individuals and families to help bridge the digital divide.
  • Eligibility is typically based on income level and participation in other assistance programs.
  • To apply, you’ll need to gather some basic documents and fill out an online application.
  • If approved, you’ll receive your tablet at no cost to you.
  • There are also other options for getting free or low-cost tablets, like local libraries and non-profit organizations.

At the end of the day, having access to a tablet can open up a world of opportunities – from education to employment to staying connected with loved ones. And thanks to these government programs, that access is more attainable than ever.

So if you think you might qualify, don’t hesitate to apply. A free tablet could be just the tool you need to unlock your full potential and thrive in today’s digital landscape.

I wish you the best of luck on your free tablet journey! Remember, you’ve got this. And if you ever have any questions along the way, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are resources and people ready to support you every step of the way.


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