
WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging platform owned by Meta, has recently announced a new feature that allows users to pin up to three messages within a chat.


This upgrade comes after the initial release of the message pinning feature in December 2023, which only allowed users to pin a single message per chat.

WhatsApp Now Allows to Pin Multiple Messages in Chats

WhatsApp Now Allows to Pin Multiple Messages in Chats


Improved Chat Management

The ability to pin multiple messages in both personal and group chats is set to revolutionize the way users organize and navigate their conversations.


Pinned messages appear as a banner at the top of the chat, just below the name and image of the person or group. By tapping on the banner, users can quickly access the pinned messages without having to scroll through the entire conversation.

When more than one message is pinned within a chat, the banner displays the number of pinned messages along with a preview of the most recently pinned message.

Clicking on the banner in this case reveals all the pinned messages, allowing users to easily navigate to the message of their choice.

Customizable Pin Duration

In addition to the ability to pin multiple messages, WhatsApp has also introduced a new feature that allows users to choose the duration for which a message remains pinned.


Users can select from three options:

  • 24 hours
  • 7 days
  • 30 days

This customizable pin duration feature gives users greater control over their pinned messages and ensures that the most relevant information stays at the top of their chats for the desired period.

How to Pin Messages in WhatsApp Chats?

WhatsApp has provided detailed instructions on how users can pin messages across various platforms:


  1. Tap and hold the desired message.
  2. Choose the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select Pin > choose the pin duration > Pin.


  1. Tap and hold the desired message
  2. Click on More OptionsPin
  3. Select the pin duration

Web and Desktop App

  1. Hover the cursor near the message to reveal the downward arrow button.
  2. Click on the arrow and select the Pin message.
  3. Choose the pin duration > Pin.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

WhatsApp’s introduction of the multiple message pinning feature is just one of the many updates the platform has been working on to enhance user experience.


Recent reports suggest that WhatsApp is also developing a voice note transcription feature and an AI-powered image editor within the application.

As WhatsApp continues to innovate and improve its features, users can expect even more exciting updates soon, cementing the platform’s position as a leader in the instant messaging market.


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